From 1998 to 1999, the artist had been working on a collection based on personal experiences, carried out slowly and carefully. However, at the beginning of the year 2000 the artist suddenly interrupted what he was doing, starting a whole new series of paintings imbued with energy and visceral action.

These paintings were the result of the artist's desire to break completely with the conception and the technique he had been using during the previous two years.

This collection of paintings did not have a developing continuity of its own but was the starting point for the series of paintings, drawings and photographs called The Suite of Verges. The artist had a personal experience during the night of Maundy Thursday, of the same year, in Verges. Stimulated by the representation of the Passion of Christ and, above all, by The Dance of Death, Rodríguez-Amat started, without a break, a group of preparatory drawings which were to be the basis of The Suite of Verges, a series of 250 works on which the artist worked for the next two years.



2000 / Oil on paper / 102 cm x 73 cm

2000 / Oil on paper / 102 cm x 73 cm



2000 / Oil on paper / 102 cm x 73 cm

2000 / Oil on paper / 102 cm x 73 cm



2000 / Oil on paper / 73 cm x 102 cm



2000 / Oil on paper / 73 cm x 102 cm



2000 / Oil on paper / 73 cm x 102 cm



2000 / Oil on paper / 102 cm x 73 cm



2000 / Oil on paper / 73 cm x 102 cm


To the Rodríguez-Amat FoundationTo the Rodriguez-Amat Foundation