Limited to a number of one or two artists at one time, the Center for Contemporary Art Rodríguez-Amat accepts residents who wish to receive the master's knowledge, for periods of one or two weeks throughout the opening time (March-October) of the Center.

This is a stay especially aimed for young artists in training, or any other artist or art lower contemplating the possibility of receiving in-depth knowledge of art in general or painting in particular, as well as the experiences of 70 years of absolute dedication to the art of Jordi Rodríguez-Amat. Any interested peron should contact the Rodríguez-Amat Foundation. This is a residence for anyone who wants to learn deeply about art and be able to receive the knowledge of the master: techniques, concepts, etc.

The purpose is to open up new knowledge about creative possibilities and about art of Rodríguez-Amat's knowledge and experience of 70 years in artistic creation and more than 30 years teaching art.

Although the residency is aimed for young creators, any artist who wants to participate in this experiences or anyone art lower can also access this type of residency. Both young artists and those who have already found their way must express an open mind in order to consider any possibility in artistic creation.

If an artist thinks he has found his way and it is already valid for him, and at the same time does not want to consider other possibilities, this residence is not useful.

Despite working for 70 years in artistic creation and having found his own path for many years, Rodríguez-Amat is constantly considering other ways to go. Obviously, it is not possible, says Rodríguez-Amat, to follow them all and, finally, an artist has to decide what to do.

There are artists who are not considering what they are doing, because what they do already pleases them and they do not want to reflect on other possibilities. This training is not intended for them as they would not be able to come with an open mind for new possibilities. It is, therefore, a residence training for young or not so young artists who wish to reflect on what art is, what is possible to do and, above all, accept that in art everything is possible. Just as in life everything is relative, in art the same is true.

Although the artist does not necessarily have to be ready to take a new path, he must know everything that is possible in the world of contemporary artistic creation.

This residency is also aimed for any art lower who wants to learn about art and so be able to enjoy the world of art.

Rodriguez-Amat does not teach as a teacher does in an art school. His method is to open the mind to new creative possibilities. Sometimes this can be a problem for some artists who feel they already have their own personality within an artistic creation path. Obviously, accepting what is being done without considering other aspects is a valid choice for some creators.

Rodríguez-Amat works in the same studio as the resident artists. His way of teaching is to spend two to four hours daily in conversation about concepts, techniques and any other aspect of art.

It should be added that Rodríguez-Amat does not have a formula for what art is or what it is no. This formula does not exist. Nor does he attempt to change the course initiated or consecrated by an artist. He tries, through conversations, to discover what is possible in art and at the same time to open new horizons that the artist does not know.

This residency is open to any artist around the world. Rodríguez-Amat speaks Catalan, Spanish, French, German, English and Chinese (Mandarin).

Any artist or art lower who comes to the Rodríguez-Amat house-workshop for a residence must cook his own meals. Considering that in the village where the house-workshop is located, there are no shops, we help them to go to the neighboring village to shop.

The price of the residence, including all the dedication of Rodríguez-Amat, is 1000 Euros per week. It is possible to come with the couple. In this case the price is 1500 Euros for both.

Topics to be covered:

.- Artistic techniques: Oil, watercolor, acrylic, fresco, waxes, pastels, etc.

.- The supports.

.- Graphic techniques: engravings, xylography, serigraphy, monotypes, etc. Knowing how to recognize them in front of the work.

.-Drawing: the different techniques.

.- Sculpture: terracotta, marble, bronze, etc.

.- The sculpture in polychrome wood.

.- Historical movements, styles and links with the society of the moment.

.- Art and historical evolution.

.- Perception and embodiment.

.- Contemporary artistic movements. Historical evolution (Art and society).

.- Figuration and abstraction.

.- Museums and art galleries.

.- Perspectives in art; painting and architecture.

.- The aerial perspective.

.- Color theories: additive color, subtractive color, light color. Optical mixing.

.- Pictorial, sculptural and architectural compositions.

These are simply some of the many, many possible topics to be discussed.

Anyone interested is required to visit and read the texts on the thoughts of Rodríguez-Amat found on his homepage:


Anyone interested should contact the Rodríguez-Amat Art Center directly.

Center for Contemporary Art Rodríguez-Amat

17466 Les Olives (Garrigoles) Catalonia (Spain)

Cellphone: 0034 + 697 76 18 74
