Below you'll find a link to a study on perspective



This project was carried out in 1979, in addition to other tests, an academy and an oral presentation, in a competition for professors of drawing held in Madrid with opponents from all over Spain. You can see the academy at the bottom of this page. I don't remember exactly the number of opponents, but it was around a hundred. Without falling on my face in shame, I must state that I got number 1 of the entire competition.

The report was written in Spanish. So this is an English translation from the report.

The purpose of this project is the construction of a monument to honor the memory of an inventor. A late 19th century figure has been assumed, so the shape of the monument has been adapted to a specific style. The set, fountain-monument, is characterized by a style typical of the character's era.

The monument has been located in the center of a large circular square of 28 m. radius. The total radius of the source is 12 m. coinciding with that of the main avenue.

The fact of being a Technical Architect (studies completed in 1972), in addition to Fine Arts, allowed me the technical constructive characteristics.



The total height is 12 m. It has been calculated as the optimal height so that a spectator located on the circular edge of the square can fully contemplate the monument from his point of view. To make this calculation, we took a visual angle of 30º and considering the radius of the square, the height obtained was that of 12 m.

tg 30º = h/20 m.

h= tg 30º x 20 m.

h = 1 / Square root of 3 x 20 m.

Approximate height 12 m.

In order for the statue not to be small, it has been projected at a size of 2.2 m. In this way, we obtain a visual angle of 7º, an angle that allows you to observe the statue of the character with total perfection.

The studies of technical architecture that I had already finished at the time of these examinations, obviously helped me to carry out this project.



The statue will be made of very light gray marble (Macael white). A high-quality block with absolute chromatic uniformity will be chosen. The pedestal is designed in one piece artificial stone made on site. Due to the curved shape, a wooden formwork will be made and filled with concrete made with a tap. Coloring additives will be added in order to obtain a light sienna color in order to highlight the marble of the statue. (Color tests will be carried out to obtain the desired color).

Due to the simple fact that there will only be compressive forces and the fact that concrete works perfectly with these types of forces, a concrete of 350 or 400 kg/square cm will be sufficient. For the same reason and due to the fact that there are no tensile forces, the pedestal armature will only be assembled.

The decorative elements located at the foot of the pedestal and those at the top have been designed to be cast in bronze with green nuances with violet tones.



Projecte de monument, 1980



Projecte de monument, 1980










This academy was another of the exercises held in 1979, as a result of the drawing professorship competitions held in Madrid with opponents from all over Spain.



The third exercise of these oppositions was an oral presentation on the subject: plane section of a cylinder in the conic system.


A Casa-Taller, Rodríguez-AmatThe space in painting


A Casa-Taller, Rodríguez-AmatTo the Rodríguez-Amat Contemporary Art Center