Throughout his career as an artist Rodríguez Amat has always maintained a certain activity as a portrait painter. For him the portrait has been a way to understand people. In fact he never accepted a commission to do a portrait. Besides this, he has never confined himself to the portrait as a simple image of the person portrayed. By means of the portrait he is able not only to express his feelings for the person but to trace the relationship between painter and model.

The firsts portraits he did date from his school years. From then on he painted more than one hundred and twenty portraits and self-portraits. After a career of more than fifty years, the result is a little more than two or three portraits per year. During all this time his activity as a portrait painter has been very irregular.


La pepa, 1961

La Pepa

Oil on cardboard / 41 cm x 33 cm / 1961

LA PEPA 1961

I present this portrait as one of the first portraits made by me at the age of sixteen.

Pepita Meléndez was a model, one of the best known model in Barcelona in the fifties and sixties. She was indeed the model of many painters and sculptors at that time.

It was in the Fine Art School that Rodríguez Amat met her. Between 1960 and 1964, the years he spent in the school, he painted and especially drew her many times.

She was a very simple woman, but at the same time warm and ope in conversation and manner. Everyone who had to deal with her still remembers that much loved lady today.





The self-portrait is sometimes the result of the artist relating to himself through the representation of his own image. Throughout his artistic career Rodríguez Amat has painted many self-portraits. Several techniques and many attitudes to artistic principles have been used in his self-portraits, of which there are around twenty.

He painted this self-portrait at the age of nineteen right at the end of his school years. A self-portrait that characterizes his painting at that time.

Autoretrat, 1964

Self-portrait 1964 / Oil on linen / 100 cm x 81 cm



The change that undergoes his painting also affects his portraits.

L'escultor Joan Mora, 1966

My friend, the sculptor Joan Mora

Oil on sacking on wood panel / 100 cm x 139 cm / 1966


L'escultor Joan Mora, 1966

Fragment of the portrait

This portrait of the sculptor Joan Mora, a friend of the artist's, is painted in bold strokes. Both the paste of the oil painting and the sacking on which it's painted confer a special texture to this painting.

Several symbols related to sculpture can been found in this work . The sculptor, at the right side of the painting in his left hand, holds a figure that symbolises the goddess which inspires the sculptor as a creative artist. His right hand appears in the corner on the left and seems as if he is holding a sculpture. Within the context of this picture other abstract forms are combined together.


La Fundació Rodríguez-Amat manté un espai a la memòria de Joan Mora (R.I.P.).

Joan Mora i Jordi Rodríguez-Amat havien fet els estudis a l’antiga Escola Superior de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi de Barcelona i mantenien una profunda amistat.

La primavera del 1966, un parell d’anys després d’haver acabat els estudis allí, els dos joves artistes acorden de fer-se mútuament el retrat.

Al llarg de varies setmanes un i altre posen, tot intercanviant-se, a fi de poder crear les obres. Més de quaranta anys més tard, acorden d’intercanviar les obres.

El retrat de l’escultor fet per Rodríguez-Amat va passar a ser propietat de Joan Mora, mentre que el bust és avui propietat de Jordi Rodríguez-Amat.


Tribute from the Rodríguez-Amat Foundation to Joan Mora.

A space of the Foundation.

Joan Mora left us in 2017 at the age of 72.



L'Esther, 1981

Esther / Plaster / 1981

L'Esther, 1978

Esther / Pencil on paper / 85 cm x 49 cm / 1978





El meu Pare, 1990

Bronze / 50 cm x 40 cm x 33 cm /1990

El meu Pare, 1990

Bronze / 50 cm x 40 cm x 33 cm /1990

El meu Pare, 1990

Pencil on paper / 71 cm x 51 cm / 1990

El meu Pare, 1990

Pencil on / 71 cm x 51 cm / 1990



Sometimes a face is the spark that generates creative action. Once sensorial perception has been provoked by the sight of a face, creative action follows a process in which the image loses all its qualities and attributes. From that moment on the painting starts to become free of the person portrayed and follows its own path.

This picture makes that process evident. Here, not only psychology but also physiognomy are lost in the visual image.

Autoretrat, 1991

Self-portrait / Oil on linen / 195 cm x 130 cm / 1991




La meva Mare, 1991

Pencil on paper / 70 cm x 52'5 cm / 1991

La meva Mare, 1990

Oil on linen / 195 cm x 130 cm / 1990

PORTRAITS FROM 1961 TO 1980 Portrait61-80Portrait and self-portraits

Finally, I have decided to put up for sale the works from my portraits and self-portraits. If you are interested, contact me.

Cellphone: (34) 697 76 18 74.


To the Rodriguez-Amat center for contemporary art

You can visit, between the beginning of April and the end of October, without any kind of commitment, the Rodríguez-Amat Contemporary Art Center and I, personally, give all kinds of explanations. I speak English. Need to make an appointment: Cellphone: (34) 697 76 18 74.

Webmaster: Jordi Rodriguez-Amat